Dasylirion longissimum/quadrangulatum


The plant has pinnate leaves, made up of numerous, slim, slightly arching leaflets, with sharp tip, organized along the central rib. The adult plants may produce inflorescences from the centre of the leaf clump. The female flowers have bracts at the edge of which are the ovule, which produces red, fleshy seeds.
Data Sheet
IconoOrigin: China y Japón
IconoClimate zone: ZONE 9
IconoLeaf: PINNATE
IconoFlower color: Bright dark green leaves
IconoBerry or fruit: Orange red globose

IconoHeight: 2/4 m
IconoWidth: 3/4 m
IconoSun exposure: SUN-PARTIAL SHADE
IconoWind resistance: YES

SKU: PLA0000417 Categories: , ,

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