Brachychiton acerifolius


This is an attractive tree up to 30 metres tall, and the pink flowers without petals are bell-shaped flowers which hang down in clusters from the end of the branches. The trunk is straight, grey and cylindrical, up to 75 cm in diameter. Not buttressed at the base. Twigs hairy, brown and smooth. Leaves are lobed in three, five or seven points. Whitish underneath, dark green above. Leaf veins visible on both sides. Flowers form from November to February. The fruit is a hairy boat shaped follicle maturing from December to July. Germination from fresh seed occurs without difficulty.

Data Sheet
IconoOrigin: Australia
IconoClimate zone: ZONE 9
IconoFlower color: Dark green/tomentose undersite
IconoBerry or fruit: Glabrous follicle

IconoHeight: 10/15 m
IconoWidth: 8/12 m
IconoSun exposure: SUN
IconoWind resistance: NO

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