Eugenia myrtifolia “New Port”


Large shrub with wide, elongated, leathery leaves. Dark green and glossy. Produces white flowers with 5 petals which are scented. Edible, yellow-orange fruit. The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, native to south-central China. It is a large evergreen shrub or small tree, grown commercially for its yellow fruit, and also cultivated as an ornamental plant. The tree can grow to 5–10 metres tall, but is often smaller, about 3–4 metres. The leaves are alternate, simple, 10–25 cm long, dark green, tough and leathery in texture, with a serrated margin, and densely velvety-hairy below with thick yellow-brown pubescence; the young leaves are also densely pubescent above, but this soon rubs off.
Data Sheet
IconoOrigin: Extremo Oriente
IconoClimate zone: ZONE 8
IconoFlower color: Dark green. Long and large
IconoBerry or fruit: Yellow-orange drupe

IconoHeight: 5/10 m
IconoWidth: 3/4 m
IconoSun exposure: SUN-PARTIAL SHADE
IconoWind resistance: NO

SKU: PLA0000439 Categories: , ,