Brachychiton rupestris

Queensland bottle-tree


Its grossly swollen trunk gives it a remarkable appearance and gives rise to the name. As a succulent, drought-deciduous tree, it is tolerant of a range of various soils, and temperatures. It can grow to 18–20 meters in height and its trunk has the unique shape of a bottle. Its swollen trunk is primarily used for water storage. On every tree the leaves are variable from narrow and elliptic to deeply divided. Clusters of yellowy bell shaped flowers are hidden within the foliage, and are followed by woody boat-shaped fruits.

Data Sheet
IconoOrigin: Australia
IconoClimate zone: ZONE 9
IconoFlower color: Green
IconoBerry or fruit: Follicle ovoid

IconoHeight: 8/10 m
IconoWidth: 8/10 m
IconoSun exposure: SUN
IconoWind resistance: NO

SKU: PLA0000024 Categories: , ,

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